
Experts in strategy execution in the manufacturing industry

People need food and stuff. Stuff, products are made by the industry. And the industry is the source of innovation and employment. We love that. 

Helping entrepeneurs solving problems. And realize ambitions. That is what makes us tick. 

In our approach, the available strength within the organization is the starting point. What we bring is the extensive experience of our experts, sharp analysis as well as comparison  with your specific sector and execution power Also, we work with Capital providers (financial institutions, private equity co’s)

dr. Gerard Ekhart
Sjoerd Langelaar Jansen Venneboer MSc MBA
Marc Janssen
Elly Oude Elferink
Wilco Hekkert

Our purpose is to strengthen the industry

The share of the manufacturing industry in the economy has been declining for years. We consider this a misconception and misrecognition of the industry sector and a problem for the country. Revitalization is therefore crucial. We do this by sharing knowledge and experiences, and the

  • Revitalization of current businesses. Many businesses are sleeping giants Opportunities are often neglected or forgotten. Interdepartemental cooperation is limited resulting in poor results overall. Also, the available quality of staff and supply partners is heavily underutilized. If you want to remain ‘future-proof’, an integral approach is necessary. For instance, not primarily focussing on price, but invest in solutions with higher value add for you and your customers. And choose for activities and investments the capital providers are willing to finance, more often against more favorable intrest rates. and specifically for high-quality industry sectors: look at your R&D and other personell as assets or human capital in stead of cost or resources. They are the ones creating long lasting value and profits for your business.
  • Controlled scaling down of non viable activities.  Very tricky and hard, but sometimes products or business have lost their right to exist, have become obsolete. It is just not viable anymore. For instance, if a product is substituted by a service. Or if competing for the lowest price is not an option anymore. Or because the cost of energy and environmental regulations are too high compared to other countries or regions in the world. The sensible entrepreneur already knows: it is time to say goodbye. Walk away from what will not work anymore in the future. in short, write off and move on. Continue and professionalize what does have a future. With the ultimate option if on time: make preparations to sell off parts of or the entire business. And after the sale, decide what to do next. For instance, take it easy or invest in what does have a future.
  • Restructure industrial supply or value chains.Supply partners in the industry know this very well. Your products can be high quality and innovative, but if you are a small player in a large value chain, you’d better be ultra flexible. If the end producers or raw material suppliers are big and powerful companies, they will dominate the valuechain and squeeze you if they have to. Can this be different? More grip on your own business and less dependant on a few large players? That is what you want, specifically if you know your expertise is crucial in the value chain and that other parties are interested as well. What are your options? Re-contracting, cooperation, integration up/down the value chain or even acquisition?

Responsibility for the society

We invest in an innovative and sustainable industry. Also, we pay attention to a sustaiable working environment, working hybrid. And we check our suppliers on sustainability and green washing.

Join us

Are you an expert and do you want to contribute to strengthening the industrial sector in NL/EU?

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At Revitalize Industry

  • we will keep challenging you
  • you are part of a team of reliable expert partners
  • you can access to proven methodology, including training and certification.
  • you have access to several applications
  • you are part of an ecosystem that has an impact on the industrial sector.
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